Merino Industries Limited

Company Overview

Merino is a leader in the country’s laminate segment by capacity, quality and recall. The brand is respected for its wide and deep portfolio, choice across price points, aesthetics, best-in-class quality and innovation in products and services. The Group enhanced visibility across more than 10,000 retail outlets through printed collateral, product display at points of sale and engagement meets with channel partners.

id company_master_id company shareholder sharesNo shareHolding dateOfUpdate
171 41 Merino Industries Limited Promoters 10644804 0 2021-03-31
172 41 Merino Industries Limited Public 533875 0 2021-03-31
id company_master_id company shareholder sharesNo shareHolding dateOfUpdate

Revenue Segment

Share Holding

Revenue & Margins

% Margins

Company Financials

Profit and Loss Account (₹ in Crores) 2019 2020 2021
Revenue from Operations 1472.13 1473.72 1296.88
Other Income 19.63 15.19 41.98
Total Income 1491.76 1488.92 1338.86
Cost of Operations 771.38 741 652.59
EBITDA 260.76 235.73 251.77
EBITDA % 17.48 15.83 18.8
EBIT 218.41 175.96 195.08
EBIT % 14.64 11.82 14.57
PBT 201.1 157.62 176.91
PBT % 13.48 10.59 13.21
TAX 60.27 29.68 45.06
NPAT 140.83 127.94 131.85
NPAT % 9.44 8.59 9.85
EPS (Basic) in ₹ 121.94 108.58 117.95
EPS (Diluted) in ₹ 121.94 108.58 117.95
Dividend Per Share (in ₹) 3.5 3.5 6

Sources of funds

Application of funds

Balance Sheet (₹ in Crores) 2019 2020 2021
Share Capital 10.47 10.47 11.28
Reserves 711.23 821.04 1024.85
Networth 721.7 831.51 1036.13
Long Term Borrowings 30.23 66.01 38.71
Short Term Borrowings 168.86 144.12 124.8
Current Liabilities 403.41 433.39 401.7
Non-Current Assets 597.58 722.88 864.29
Current Assets 686.42 751.79 647.05
Total Assets 1284 1474.67 1511.34
Cash Bank Balance 12.05 42.67 23.9
Trade Receivables 196.25 177.46 151.61
Trade Payables 169.26 191 185.18
Inventory 393.55 439.32 345.39
Cash Flow Statement (₹ in Crores) 2019 2020 2021
Cash flow from operating Activities 152.87 170.29 330.71
Cash flow from Investing Activities -138.38 -135.35 -267.97
Cash flow from Financing Activities -12.43 -25.25 -71.02
Net Cash-Flow 2.06 9.69 -8.28




Price Multiples as on 2021-05-08
Face Value Per Share (in ₹) 10
Price Per Share (in ₹) 2800
P/E 23.74
P/B 3.02
Dividend Yield 0.21 %
Price / Sales 2.41
Market Cap (₹ in Crores) 3130
Interesting Quote / Trivial Information about the company's unlisted shares
Merino Industries
Source Name
Additional details

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+91 9029145554

Peer Comparison

Profit and Loss Account (₹ in Crores) 2021 2020 2019
Merino Greenlam Merino Greenlam Merino Greenlam
Revenue from Operations 1296.88 1199.59 1473.72 1320.58 1472.13 1280.71
Other Income 41.98 7.56 15.19 4.42 19.63 1.52
Total Income 1338.86 1207.15 1488.92 1325 1491.76 1282.23
Cost of Operations 652.59 601.6 741 670.4 771.38 687.78
EBITDA 251.77 180.85 235.73 182.66 260.76 160.05
EBITDA % 18.8 14.98 15.83 13.79 17.48 12.48
EBIT 195.08 125.29 175.96 130.17 218.41 123.21
EBIT % 14.57 10.38 11.82 9.82 14.64 9.61
PBT 176.91 108.37 157.62 108.33 201.1 106.25
PBT % 13.21 8.98 10.59 8.18 13.48 8.29
TAX 45.06 22.28 29.68 21.66 60.27 29.14
NPAT 131.85 73.69 127.94 86.67 140.83 77.11
NPAT % 9.85 6.1 8.59 6.54 9.44 6.01
EPS (Basic) in ₹ 117.95 30.56 108.58 35.91 121.94 31.95
EPS (Diluted) in ₹ 117.95 30.56 108.58 35.91 121.94 31.95
Dividend Per Share (in ₹) 6 5 3.5 4 3.5 3
Balance Sheet (₹ in Crores) 2021 2020 2019
Merino Greenlam Merino Greenlam Merino Greenlam
Share Capital 11.28 12.07 10.47 12.07 10.47 12.07
Reserves 1024.85 561.41 821.04 488.6 711.23 416.34
Networth 1036.13 573.48 831.51 500.67 721.7 428.41
Long Term Borrowings 38.71 83.79 66.01 82 30.23 72.65
Short Term Borrowings 124.8 164.62 144.12 212.16 168.86 197.06
Current Liabilities 401.7 443.97 433.39 432.62 403.41 385.53
Non-Current Assets 864.29 496.33 722.88 465.54 597.58 391.6
Current Assets 647.05 681.72 751.79 648.58 686.42 547.3
Total Assets 1511.34 1178.05 1474.67 1114.11 1284 938.91
Cash Bank Balance 23.9 18.72 42.67 30.74 12.05 10.62
Trade Receivables 151.61 135.11 177.46 137.8 196.25 176.62
Trade Payables 185.18 222.76 191 174.46 169.26 161.25
Inventory 345.39 378.11 439.32 371.03 393.55 307.55
Cash Flow Statement (₹ in Crores) 2021 2020 2019
Merino Greenlam Merino Greenlam Merino Greenlam
Cash flow from operating Activities 330.71 213.04 170.29 98.1 152.87 64.11
Cash flow from Investing Activities -267.97 -154.17 -135.35 -55.85 -138.38 -57.11
Cash flow from Financing Activities -71.02 -70.87 -25.25 -22.06 -12.43 -6.08
Net Cash-Flow -8.28 -12 9.69 20.18 2.06 0.92
Price Multiples as on 2021-09-14 Merino Greenlam
Face Value Per Share 10 5
Price 3150 1404
P/E 26.71 45.94
P/B 3.4 5.91
Dividend Yield 0.19 % 0.36 %
Price / Sales 2.71 2.83
Market Cap (₹ in Crores) 3521 3389
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